A private Episcopal school for primary through high school students in Houston, Texas

Upper School students enjoying the beautiful day while eating outside.

Upper School FAQs

Upper School FAQs

Will upper school students attend chapel and receive religious instruction?

Chapel services are an important aspect of a St. Francis education, and all students attend chapel regularly. Religion classes are also required for all students throughout Upper School.

What does the student-to-teacher ratio look like?

The student–to–teacher ratio is ultimately determined by the type of course; however, for several years, we will intentionally keep our class sizes small.

How will Grade levels be added to the upper school?

Doors to our first ninth-grade class opened fall 2018. We will add an additional grade each subsequent school year. Tenth grade will be added in fall 2019, eleventh grade in fall 2020, and twelfth grade in fall 2021.

Is St. Francis Upper School program accredited?

Yes. St. Francis's Upper School program is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) and the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES), and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).

Ready to Learn More?

Learn more about St. Francis Episcopal's high school curriculum, special programs, and community by viewing this digital brochure.  If you have any questions, please contact our Admissions Department at 713.458.6112.