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NAIS Information on Abuse

There have been recent publications of several news articles about alleged child sexual abuse in independent schools (including one in the New York Times Magazine ), we would like to provide you with resources to consider. High-profile stories of sexual abuse often encourage other victims of abuse to come forward. We hope these articles will help you prepare.

Child Sexual Abuse: Reporting Guidelines is an excerpt from the NAIS Handbook on Child Safety for Independent School Leaders . It provides guidance about the role of educators in reporting sexual abuse, how to report suspected abuse, and how to respond if a child discloses abuse. A podcast about the book is also available.

Crisis Response in Shifting Times: What Would We Have Done? outlines the steps to take if you're faced with a crisis and to prepare your crisis plan.

Predators Among Us: Educator Sexual Misconduct is a report about educator sexual misconduct in schools produced by the U.S. Department of Education.

The Predator Next Door outlines what to do if you learn that a registered sex offender lives near your campus.

Dealing with Allegations of Sex Abuse lists questions to analyze your preparedness to deal with allegations of sex abuse.

We hope this information helps. Please feel free to forward these links to teachers and administrators in your school.